How do I add more users to my SmartDeploy account?

  1. Confirm that your new user completed the new user account registration processHow do I join an existing SmartDeploy account?
  2. Go to, click Sign in in the upper-right corner, and log in (if necessary).
    Note: You’ll also receive an email (from inviting you to log in to to approve the addition of the new account.
  3. In the left pane under Current Users, the new account will appear with a green check mark () to approve the addition and a red x to deny the addition. Click the green check mark to approve the new user.

  4. In the Pending Approval pop-up window, you can choose from the following options:
    • Approve User: This will grant the new user access to log in to the SmartDeploy Console and perform all SmartDeploy tasks/actions.
    • Approve Admin User: This will grant the new user access to the SmartDeploy Console, as well as to the account administration page with access to add and remove users and reallocate licenses.
    • deny access: Do not approve the request for access.
  5. Once approved, the new user will receive an email notifying them that they have been granted access.
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