Upload a Cloud Package

Use the Upload Wizard if you want to store an image and Platform Packs in the cloud for deployment. SmartDeploy integrates with your existing third-party storage provider so you can deploy images to remote offices quickly. This wizard automatically creates a cloud Deployment Package and splits the contents of your image and Platform Packs for faster and more-reliable deployments.

Note: Before you continue, confirm that you've completed the steps in the Connect to Cloud Storage article.

Upload a Cloud Package

  1. In the Activities workspace of the SmartDeploy Console, click Use Cloud Services.
  2. In the Cloud Services menu, click Upload Cloud Package.
  3. On the Welcome page, click Next.
  4. Confirm that your cloud storage provider is selected and that the green check mark is present to indicate authentication, and then click Next.
  5. On the Select Image page, click Browse to browse to and select the image that you want to upload, click Open, and then click Next.
  6. On the Platform Pack page, clear the check box of any Platform Packs that you do not want included in your cloud package, and click Next.
    Note: It's important to select any Platform Packs that you may want to deploy your image to. 
  7. On the Finish page, make note of where the objects will be in your cloud storage, and then click Finish to start the upload.
  8. When the upload finishes, click OK to close the Upload Wizard.






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